Saturday, April 30, 2011

6 weeks left

6 weeks left until we are finished with this year's Heart of Dakota. We have had so much sickness this year that we are not finishing as early as I would have liked. But that is the beauty of homeschooling right?
I love homeschooling. I love being with my children all day and watching their learning and seeing that ah ha moment when things click.
I will continue to school C through the summer so he does not lose any of his skills but just LA and Math.
Oh and my sister will be homeschooling her youngest son next year. I was so thankful I had enough homeschooling stuff left over from my olders that I could supply her with everything she needs except math.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have spent the whole day today planning. Looking and looking through curriculum and more curriculum. Over and over again, trying to figure out what I want for next year.

C is easy I will be buying a whole level of Heart of Dakota again for him. I have loved this year and will continue.

High school is a bit more mind irritating. I have looked until I think I have fried my brain. I think I have almost got it figure out. Hopefully but that could change tomorrow you know. LOL