Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring fever came early this year because there wasn't much winter and it is so warm so early.
Today we are of to Bays Mountain. It's so much fun there and it is going to be a big turn out of homeschoolers.
School is going great here. We are halfway through our Heart of Dakota and that was my goal this year. We are doing this level at 1/2 speed. We will continue on through the summer so that we can not forget what we have learned.
Ju will be starting his phonics program soon and should be reading in a few months. (of course that is the hope anyway LOL)
S is still on track to graduate at the end of summer.
I am still using All About Spelling and still LOVING it. I can't sing enough praises for this curriculum. If you haven't seen it check them out.
I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention on Friday. I can't wait. I will buy what I need for next year there so I can save on shipping.

Well so much for my random scattered thoughts in this post. Spring fever has affected my brain too.