Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today's science

Those tiny little things on it's back were babies. It was neat and gross. LOL

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nature Walk

The weather is so nice today so when were done with school we took a nature walk. We have a wonderful walking path that goes behind our house, so I took the little boys. They were so good.
Here are pix of all they collected. I have decided we need a bucket or basket for these walks. We all had our hands and I had one pocket full. LOL

Are these chestnuts or buckeyes? 

The little boys called the walnuts coconuts. LOL

He was dead so don't worry. LOL

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lots of roadblocks

Or really just life. School is plugging along and then last Friday I was hit with the worst headache of my life. I don't ever remember being that sick. Then today is Labor Day so no school today. But we will get back in the groove tomorrow adding a few more things for my high schoolers.
We are loving Heart of Dakota. C is learning so much.
He is also playing soccer. His first practice was interesting. His attention span is a bit short. LOL
Hopefully we can get pictures of the first game on Saturday. I know he will look cute in his uniform.
Praying this is a week of school with no sickness.