Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I love when the weather gets warmer. We can get out and explore nature. We can take walks and go to the park. Yesterday we did story time at the library and the stories were about kites so after we got home we went to the park to fly some kites. We didn't do very well and I realized that I didn't pass on that skill to my older children. Living in the city does have some disadvantages, too many power lines to fly one here and no yard.
I think everyone had a great time. I wish I had pix. I do have pix of story time on my phone I will get later.

School is going wonderfully. I am still LOVING the Heart of Dakota. I am also working on figuring out next years school for everyone. Whether I will do anything with Ju or not. If so it will be light fun stuff.
My olders will be 10th and 11th grade. Man that is hard to believe. I will be done teaching high school in 3 years for a while. I hope by the time my younger two get there I have it more figured out. LOL
I wonder if we ever figure it out.