Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas break

We are on Christmas break. We took all last week off and will take off until after the first of the year. We will use this coming week to clean up after Christmas and find homes for all the new toys. LOL
Then we will start back full force in January.
My plan is to try to post more and keep up with this blog more when the new year starts.
Merry Christmas to you all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homeschool is wonderful

I love teaching my children. I love watching them learn and discover. I love having them with me day after day and looking to me for their instruction.
I worked with my 4yo on his letter sounds today. He did such a great job I was amazed at how many he knew already.
C is doing great in school. He can read really well.
I just love homeschool and pray that I am able to home school until my children are through high school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 2

This is our second week of school this year. I am still using Heart of Dakota with C. We are still loving it.
I am still trying to find my groove with a 1st grader and a preschool 4yo. At least the 4yo likes to listen to the stories too.
S hasn't started yet. He wanted to wait until after his birthday.
V is in Chicago this school year so she will be doing her school there. She is serving at a ministry there, IBLP. She is loving it there and loving the work she is doing.
I have started getting up at 6am every morning so I can spend time in God's word and exercise. It's working out well so far.
I am hoping I will blog more this year and hopefully have pictures of our projects.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

6 weeks left

6 weeks left until we are finished with this year's Heart of Dakota. We have had so much sickness this year that we are not finishing as early as I would have liked. But that is the beauty of homeschooling right?
I love homeschooling. I love being with my children all day and watching their learning and seeing that ah ha moment when things click.
I will continue to school C through the summer so he does not lose any of his skills but just LA and Math.
Oh and my sister will be homeschooling her youngest son next year. I was so thankful I had enough homeschooling stuff left over from my olders that I could supply her with everything she needs except math.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have spent the whole day today planning. Looking and looking through curriculum and more curriculum. Over and over again, trying to figure out what I want for next year.

C is easy I will be buying a whole level of Heart of Dakota again for him. I have loved this year and will continue.

High school is a bit more mind irritating. I have looked until I think I have fried my brain. I think I have almost got it figure out. Hopefully but that could change tomorrow you know. LOL

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I love when the weather gets warmer. We can get out and explore nature. We can take walks and go to the park. Yesterday we did story time at the library and the stories were about kites so after we got home we went to the park to fly some kites. We didn't do very well and I realized that I didn't pass on that skill to my older children. Living in the city does have some disadvantages, too many power lines to fly one here and no yard.
I think everyone had a great time. I wish I had pix. I do have pix of story time on my phone I will get later.

School is going wonderfully. I am still LOVING the Heart of Dakota. I am also working on figuring out next years school for everyone. Whether I will do anything with Ju or not. If so it will be light fun stuff.
My olders will be 10th and 11th grade. Man that is hard to believe. I will be done teaching high school in 3 years for a while. I hope by the time my younger two get there I have it more figured out. LOL
I wonder if we ever figure it out.