Monday, December 31, 2012


I have been preparing for us to start back school on Monday the 7th. It has been going well. One thing I did realize this semester of school is how much I miss Heart of Dakota. So much I am starting both my boys back with HOD on Monday. I think I have, after all these years, found the curriculum that works and fits us and we love.
I will add All About Spelling, because we love it too, and First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease. Other than that we will follow the HOD plans.
I am excited to start back. I am going to be making some changes to our day and I even moved our school to a different room.
I will keep you updated on how things go.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas break

We started Christmas break a bit early. Well not really as we did crafty school stuff the week before Christmas.
School is moving right along this year. No complaints except the fact that we took a year off of Heart of Dakota. We did this to work on a character quality each week, which has gone well but I miss HOD. So after Christmas I am going to start Little Hearts for His Glory with Ju. I will also work on his phonics instruction more. He has just not been ready but he is a bit older now so it's time to try again.
C is doing great. Moving right a long and progressing nicely in school.
We also started a bible study that meets on Thursdays and all of us are loving it. C and Ju love their class. They don't just babysit them in the class they actually have lessons and C's is the same as mine each week just at his level. So we school the other 4 days and it is working out great.
S graduated in August and has moved out on his own so I only have 3 at home now. V is in 11th grade and really wants to start Cosmetology school.
All in all this is a very nice school year. We are loving it very much. I could not imagine life without homeschooling.