Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our week

We  are in week 2 of Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory and it's going great. We are having fun and learning so much. This weeks bible verse was Galatians 6:9 "Let us not grow weary in doing good, in due season we shall reap if we don't lose heart." Both boys memorized it.
We also discussed Ruth and how she didn't lose heart and finally reaped. Here is a pic of the fields of grain that Ruth gleaned from that the boys made.
C would rather write his spelling words on anything but paper so we used the dry erase board.

 We added Jamestown to our timeline. Oh and a funny about this, I was talking to the boys about it and how the men came for gold and they were lazy and didn't want to do any work. Then I told them that John Smith told them that if they didn't work then they wouldn't eat. I said I bet those men were complaining and whining and crying. C said " They didn't cry they are British and the British don't cry." LOL
It was a really great week and I did something different which seemed to help us along. I rotated between subject that required writing and ones that didn't. That way they are not having to write all at once.
Speaking of writing here is a sample of C's handwriting. I decided to use the smaller lined paper to see how he would do and it turned out beautiful.
Praying next week goes and well and is as fun. I have a cold right now and feel horrible but am praying that I will feel better by Monday.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Week 1 of Beyond

We just finished our first week of Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. We had a great time and learned a lot.
Here are a few pix of what we did. Earlier this week I posted a pic of our world on the floor and learning the continents and oceans.
Here is our timeline for the year.
These are the shields we made to go along with our verse in Psalms.
 This is a map where we marked the voyage of the Spaniards to St. Augustine FL
 And our world of tape on the floor learning continents and oceans.
This has been a wonderful week of school. The boys have been so agreeable and doing their work with no complaints. We rewarded them with a game of Putt Putt today and Sonic afterward.
God has blessed me so much this year and answered so many prayers for me. My health is so much better and that helps in the schooling.
I praise God for this opportunity to school my children.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 3 update

This is technically our third week of school but the last two weeks were lighter adding a few things in as we went.
We have done two days of school this week and its been delightful. We started using Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory from Heart of Dakota. We are loving it. It is just the right fit for both my boys and the activities are wonderful. I used the first half of this for C's first grade year but he was just not ready.
We are adding in spelling, reading, math and grammar at his level.
Ju is coming right along with his schooling too. He was agreeable the past two days and didn't complain. He still doesn't want to do phonics but since its 100EZ lessons its short so he's ok with it.
Here are a couple pix of what we've been doing.
Spelling with sidewalk chalk.

Learning our continents and oceans.

Monday, August 5, 2013

First day of school

Today was our first day of school. We are starting slowly because with my health issues we did not get to school this summer, although life is learning.
This year I will be finishing up Little Hearts for His Glory with Ju and C will be doing Bigger Hearts for His Glory.  C will be in 3rd grade and Ju will be starting first.
I hope to be better at documenting our school with pictures this year.