Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our week

We  are in week 2 of Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory and it's going great. We are having fun and learning so much. This weeks bible verse was Galatians 6:9 "Let us not grow weary in doing good, in due season we shall reap if we don't lose heart." Both boys memorized it.
We also discussed Ruth and how she didn't lose heart and finally reaped. Here is a pic of the fields of grain that Ruth gleaned from that the boys made.
C would rather write his spelling words on anything but paper so we used the dry erase board.

 We added Jamestown to our timeline. Oh and a funny about this, I was talking to the boys about it and how the men came for gold and they were lazy and didn't want to do any work. Then I told them that John Smith told them that if they didn't work then they wouldn't eat. I said I bet those men were complaining and whining and crying. C said " They didn't cry they are British and the British don't cry." LOL
It was a really great week and I did something different which seemed to help us along. I rotated between subject that required writing and ones that didn't. That way they are not having to write all at once.
Speaking of writing here is a sample of C's handwriting. I decided to use the smaller lined paper to see how he would do and it turned out beautiful.
Praying next week goes and well and is as fun. I have a cold right now and feel horrible but am praying that I will feel better by Monday.

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