Monday, December 31, 2012


I have been preparing for us to start back school on Monday the 7th. It has been going well. One thing I did realize this semester of school is how much I miss Heart of Dakota. So much I am starting both my boys back with HOD on Monday. I think I have, after all these years, found the curriculum that works and fits us and we love.
I will add All About Spelling, because we love it too, and First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease. Other than that we will follow the HOD plans.
I am excited to start back. I am going to be making some changes to our day and I even moved our school to a different room.
I will keep you updated on how things go.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas break

We started Christmas break a bit early. Well not really as we did crafty school stuff the week before Christmas.
School is moving right along this year. No complaints except the fact that we took a year off of Heart of Dakota. We did this to work on a character quality each week, which has gone well but I miss HOD. So after Christmas I am going to start Little Hearts for His Glory with Ju. I will also work on his phonics instruction more. He has just not been ready but he is a bit older now so it's time to try again.
C is doing great. Moving right a long and progressing nicely in school.
We also started a bible study that meets on Thursdays and all of us are loving it. C and Ju love their class. They don't just babysit them in the class they actually have lessons and C's is the same as mine each week just at his level. So we school the other 4 days and it is working out great.
S graduated in August and has moved out on his own so I only have 3 at home now. V is in 11th grade and really wants to start Cosmetology school.
All in all this is a very nice school year. We are loving it very much. I could not imagine life without homeschooling.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

2012-2013 year

Well we started on the 3rd it was a great day of school. Then the next morning I woke with some bad shooting pains in my stomach. We did manage school that day but by evening I was in the ER and by 3am had surgery to remove my appendix. I then spent the next two days in the hospital. After all that we started again on Monday the 10th. We have had a good week of school.
I am enjoying it and so are my kids.

A couple things I have learned the past couple of years. Maturity has a lot to do with children and their learning. We did not school any this past summer. I did not continue to work with C on his reading which he had just gotten down at the end of last school year. When we started back he could read better than the end of last year. He is very easy and fun to teach.

The other thing is I love having my kids with me. I love when they get it, when they snuggle me when I read to them. I love just not being away from them all day long. How hard and sad that would be. Homeschooling is  a great blessing. I need to pray more for God's protection over it.

May God bless your homeschooling year.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Preparing for another year. Well at least I am trying. I did spend one day planning.
I am trying to figure out my own thing with the little guys this year. I am not abandoning Heart of Dakota because I love it but I feel like we need to focus on character qualities this year. We will also be Apologia Botany. I think it will be a good year but that means more planning on my part.

S graduated this summer so I will only have V in high school, C in 2nd grade and Ju in K.
I am excited about our new school year.
Hopefully I will be better at keeping up with this blog this coming school year.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring fever came early this year because there wasn't much winter and it is so warm so early.
Today we are of to Bays Mountain. It's so much fun there and it is going to be a big turn out of homeschoolers.
School is going great here. We are halfway through our Heart of Dakota and that was my goal this year. We are doing this level at 1/2 speed. We will continue on through the summer so that we can not forget what we have learned.
Ju will be starting his phonics program soon and should be reading in a few months. (of course that is the hope anyway LOL)
S is still on track to graduate at the end of summer.
I am still using All About Spelling and still LOVING it. I can't sing enough praises for this curriculum. If you haven't seen it check them out.
I am going to the Great Homeschool Convention on Friday. I can't wait. I will buy what I need for next year there so I can save on shipping.

Well so much for my random scattered thoughts in this post. Spring fever has affected my brain too.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another month...

Another month has passed so quickly. I can't believe it is the end of January today. School has gone very well this month. C is progressing and so is Ju. My high schoolers tend to do most of theirs on their own. S is working hard to graduate by the end of summer.
I don't know if I have said how much I love homeschooling. I love being with my children but more than that I love seeing their faces when they "get" it. I would have missed that and so much if they were away from home learning these things. No it's not easy, in fact some days it's really hard. It is my job and I have to treat it like I would any other job. I have to make sure the work gets done and I have to be there to provide guidance. My payment is not money though it is delight on a face when they understand something, snuggles on the sofa when we read books, laughter and smiles when we play a game that teaches but it fun. Oh it's so much more than money. Money is fleeting and temporary. Memories last a lifetime.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Another week

Another week of school starts tomorrow. I feel so unprepared. I thought this would be a week of me not being so busy but as the weekend has progressed I am just feeling overwhelmed with all that I have to do this week. It's not just stuff around here I have to leave the house and that is overwhelming and throws a wrench in school. We have to either do after noon or some in the morning and some in the afternoon and I don't do well with that. :(
So praying God will redeem the time this week and that it will be productive no matter what has to be done.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our first week back

We started back to school Monday after the break and it went really well. We did get sidetracked today because I had to take S, 17yo, to take his drivers test. He passed and we now have another driver in the house. It will be nice to not have to drive him to work but the threat of snow and black ice has this mom worried.
I also ordered Little Hands to Heaven from Heart of Dakota for Ju. We will start probably tomorrow.  He was so happy and so cute to get his books. I hope it helps him remember his letter sounds, it should.
C is still taking violin but decided he did not want to go back to dance class. He did join cub scouts though. He looks so cute with his uniform on. I will have to take pictures. I also had a good friend send me a hat for Ju and he has hardly taken it off.

Friday, January 6, 2012

In love with Curriculum

Is it possible? Is it possible to be in love with curriculum? LOL
I do so love Heart of Dakota. It's so easy to teach and so gentle and fun on top of all that.
I know this is only my second year using it but I can't imagine not liking it as the years go on. We are in the 3rd guide Beyond (we skipped the preschool one). We are taking this guide at half pace because I want my son to be older when he gets to the older more in depth guides.
Another curriculum I am liking is All About Spelling. I have only been using it a few weeks but I so wish I had had this with my older children. It makes so much sense to teach spelling this way. It is a multi learning style format. It is always good to reinforce with all the learning styles.
If you are just stopping buy and homeschool check out the two links above and see what you think.

We have been on break since before Christmas and will start back on Monday. I am excited and since with HOD and AAS it is all prepared for me I don't have to worry about being prepared.
Enjoy your homeschooling journey.